McAfee Removal Tool

Another annoying group of software that comes with many new computers is from McAfee. This acts very much like the intrusive bloatware from Norton and can be just as insidious and difficult to remove. Fortunately, there’s a tool designed specifically to do just that: the McAfee Consumer Products Removal Tool. Isn’t it ironic that the title is as overblown as the software seems to be? Moving along….

This tool is arguably the most effective piece of software currently offered by McAfee, as it really does appear to do exactly what it says without any extraneous froufrou bits. I’ve tested it on a few McAfee installations and it removed all traces, at least to the point where other cleaner programs were unable to detect any remaining debris. Your computer will once again (or for the first time ever) run with an amazing swiftness, unencumbered by the weight of these programs.

You can download the latest version of this handy dandy little cleaner HERE.

Once you get your system running free and clear, may I suggest a less bloated anti-virus program instead?


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